At one side of me I see Holden Caulfield, he
is the best, the best person that I ever found out who resembles me, not in
just one or two things he is absolutely a carbon copy of me, I
idealize him, I am in love with him and I value him.
I have Caulfieldish reasons to do so, you may
think I am suffering from Holden Caulfield syndrome, but after great Eddie,
Salinger is the only person on the face of earth, who is my true friend and
knows me well.
Now the other side of this picture is dirty,
real filthy, another idealizer of Caulfield (Chapman) killed another idol of mine, Lennon, now what Axl has to say about it is making me feel uncomfortable...
its making me puke!
He is making a mockery out of Salinger and he
is accusing Salinger of Lennon's death. How on earth he can do that to the only
person who knows me better than anyone else here.
I take it really personal,
really really personal.
In his view Salinger is driving the youth
insane, he is pushing them to pick up a gun and shoot the phony person that used to be his
hero, but he lost his innocence.
I don't like his way at all, if you are
accusing Salinger of handing Chapman a gun, then I guess you should
very strongly accuse Lennon of handing over the gun to Charles Manson, Axl forgot the fact that the biggest mass
murderer on the face of this earth, who killed the phonies of that time, whose
only inspirations were Lennon's songs, that guy considered Lennon a prophet, he
used to think Lennon is some Jesus Christ, and he is conveying a message to him
through his songs, that message is to kill people, to kill the phonies of
That’s pretty more insane as compared with
Chapman killing Lennon.
Axl, I remember you used to wear that black
shirt with a picture of Manson over it, you loved jumping in the sea to swim
and dance with the dolphins wearing it. How does the whole Manson murders scene
skip your mind when you were laying your filthy hands over Salinger, what was
your humanitarian conscious doing at that time when you thought of Manson being
a good guy.
Just don’t mess with my Caulfield or Salinger,
and I will leave you on your own with bloody Manson and his shirt...
You don't possess a right to spoil my
fascination of being the catcher in the rye.