Sunday, April 21, 2013

I feel Like I Am Tired

I feel like I am tired, tired of all the crap that surrounds me, tired of all the places I see, tired of all the people I meet. I feel like I have been tired all my life. I feel like I am a novice loyal amongst the millions, who don't care. I am alone, I am fighting this battle alone, all alone amongst all these ruthless, un-loyal exceptions that I see each and every day. Or am I the exception? 
I am tired of getting up every day and working until I drain my brains out, amongst all the people, who just don't care, just don't see and just don't bother. I feel like I am the only one who wants to struggle from the depth of his heart. And I am surrounded in the predefined millions who are not working by their will, instead they are being dragged towards work. These millions will never appreciate the true understanding of dedication.
People come and people go, now I have the ability to refrain the painful moments from entering the active phase of my mind, but the current scenario is too much, I am entirely fed up of it. I feel like I cannot do this anymore. I don’t want to be the part of these incompetent slacking millions, who don’t work to earn a hard earned penny, but instead are dragged to do what they should achieve with whole happiness.
Everybody is trying to kill each other, this anarchy sometimes makes me want to kill each and every one of them. I want everyone to think like me or be vanished, never to be seen or heard again. I want to do something real, I want to create something that lives as a legend. My dream might come true, but all these people seem to be the great hurdles between me and the fulfillment of my desire.
I am so occupied that I can’t even think of me, my life, my desires my past, perhaps its good in a way, but all the happenings induce so much stress in my peace, that sometimes I can’t take it anymore.
Too much of the mumbling, I am much better than this, I will fight this battle, alone or with all my forces, but I will fight and win, this is a promise to myself. I have always been losing hope throughout in my life, I have been a case of lost hope, but not this time. Everything around me is my creation, with the help of Almighty and all the skills that He infested in me, I created something of my own, something I can be proud of, something that make me feel taller in front of my own eyes, something that dominates my entire hopeless venture of life. I won’t ever let this go, I will die fighting for this, I will kill and be killed. But I won’t let it go.

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